Georgia McConnon

Mā Muri Ka Mua

Facilitation Guide Mā Muri Ka Mua: Walking Backwards into the Future, Māori financial education, catering to Māori culture and ways of learning.
Mā Muri Ka Mua Wharenui Framework Mā Muri Ka Mua: Walking Backwards into the Future, Māori financial education, catering to Māori culture and ways of learning.
Mā Muri Ka Mua: Walking Backwards into the Future, Māori financial education, catering to Māori culture and ways of learning.
Mā Muri Ka Mua Rangatahitanga Package Mā Muri Ka Mua: Walking Backwards into the Future, Māori financial education, catering to Māori culture and ways of learning.

Bachelor of Design with Honours

Financial capability consists of a combination of awareness, knowledge, skill, attitude and behaviour necessary to make sound financial decisions and ultimately achieve individual financial wellbeing. Financial capability affects everybody, however, many Māori do not have the tools and resources to develop their own financial wellbeing that caters to their Māoritanga. There is a need to invest in the future of our tamariki and it is vital to the advancement of Māori wellbeing as a whole. Therefore, I propose a framework to appropriately cater to Māori culture through respecting tīkanga and aligning with Māori values in order to stimulate a generational shift in mentalities around financial capability. This framework is a means of adhering to Māori history and whakapapa in order to nurture and advance their future. This is Mā Muri Ka Mua.
Block 12 Level E