Rebekah Murray

Radiant Interior

Natural Sunlight and Sunlight System. 12:06pm. August.
Natural Sunlight. 5:00pm. August.
Natural Sunlight and Sunlight System. 5:00pm. August.

Bachelor of Design with Honours

“Radiant Interior” explores the overall wellbeing of inhabitants in an existing domestic dwelling, in particular, gaining optimal wellness provided by exposure to natural sunlight. The climate statistics produced by NIWA in 2010, measured that the Wellington region received a total of 2013 annual hours of sunshine. Alongside this figure, the Valuing Sunshine report by Motu Economic and Public Policy Research. Found that in 2010, homes in the Wellington region, received a minimum year average of 3.665 hours of sunshine daily. This design encompasses a purposeful reconstruction of the house utilising a ’sunlight system’ that gathers and reflects sunlight from the exterior to the interior of the dwelling.
Block 12 Level D