Aran Campbell-Hawker


Ngāi Tahu

Code and screen grabs of the "Filling Frenzy" minigame

Bachelor of Creative Media Production

FESTiMALS is a two-player Party Game for kids and parents to play together. The players take part in a series of fun and competitive minigames where the goal is to score more points than your opponent. Designed for user-friendly gaming, so parents and kids alike can enjoy it, FESTiMALS provides a way for families to form connections through video games.

I worked on the project FESTiMALS and created the "Filling Frenzy" mini-game. My main focus on our project was to create a mini-game which was easy to grasp but had other mechanics which made the game more interesting. I also played a role in how our game sounds via sound assets. I'm really happy with our teamwork and the product we produced.


Other team members

Block 1 Level D